
About us

Having a firm grip on your bussines and keeping it. That's what makes being an entrepreneur so fun. And entrepreneurship is even more fun if you can focus for 100% on your business. A part of this is what you do yourself and the other part is what you will leave to our specialists. For example, the financial hassle associated with entrepreneurship. That is what we do best at BESgroup. For example, we take care of the periodic administration, the drafting of the annual accounts and the tax returns.

Across the border

BESgroep Accountants & Tax Advisors helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), starting entrepreneurs and athletes met all the fiscal aspects of business. We also provide companies from Germany and the Netherlands, who want to cross the border, with the much needed advice.

Time for business

In our office in Malden, we have 25 employees who work with great pleasure to improve the business result of our customers. We work fully automated with our self-developed tax programs. That gives us the time and space to assist you personally with advice in the world of business.